Chemiplas Food I Health I Nutrition


Stevia is a natural sweetener and sugar substitute derived from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana which is native to Brazil and Paraguay.

The active compounds are steviol glycosides, which have 30 to 150 times the sweetness of sugar, zero calories, are heat-stable, pH-stable, and not fermentable.

It’s also associated with several impressive health benefits, such as reduced calorie intake, blood sugar levels, and risk of cavities.

Stevia has fewer calories than sugar and plays a role in weight management because it’s free of calories and carbs, it’s a great sugar alternative for people on low-calorie or low-carb diets

Nutrition Information

Nutrition Information content

Energy (kJ) 0
Protein 0
Fat 0
Carbohydrates 0
Sugar 0
Dietary Fibre 0
Sodium (mg) 6.7

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